
Spiders Begin Seeking New Homes for Fall

As summer comes to an end, the spiders that have been enjoying the season outside will look indoors for the fall season in search of prey. Here are some helpful tips on how to best protect against spiders from entering your home. 

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Fumigation: An Effective Pest Control Method

Fumigation treatments remain an important element of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and will successfully mitigate pest pressures when performed properly. Here’s some expert insight on fumigation practices as a pest control solution.


Earwigs: A Common Pest of Summer

Earwigs feed on seedlings and can be considered a serious horticultural pest in greenhouses. They will also feed on soft fruits and sweet corn and can cause damage to produce. Follow these pest prevention tips to reduce the risk of an earwig infestation.


Common Pests Found in Restaurants

Here are some of the common pests found in restaurants along with some helpful tips on how to protect your business from a pest infestation.


Protection Against Mosquitoes & Ticks

While these pests are certainly nuisances, they can also transmit harmful diseases like Zika virus, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and more, which is why McCloud Services is helping to advocate for increased awareness of mosquito and tick prevention this read more


Common Hiding Spots for Bed Bugs

Summer travel means a higher chance of coming into contact with bed bugs who love the warmth and are great at hitchhiking. It’s important to check your room and belongings for these blood sucking insects when traveling and once returning home.