We realize how damaging a single bed bug sighting can be, which is why we offer highly effective bed bug treatment programs to help companies combat bed bug infestations safely and efficiently.
What Are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are small, reddish brown, flat-bodied insects about 3/16” long or smaller. These tiny pests are often found around mattresses, box springs and nightstands, as well as behind headboards and wall voids. Bed bugs seek refuge in the cracks and crevices of furniture, under floorboards and even behind light switches and pictures on the walls. Bed bugs primarily feed on the blood of humans, small animals or birds, and may live for months without feeding. Because of their tendency to “hitchhike,” bed bugs are frequently introduced into a home or business through furniture, luggage or other items that have been in infested areas. In multi-unit dwellings they may move from one unit to another through walls or halls.
Thermal Remediation Bed Bug Treatment
Using thermal remediation technology, our trained service specialists control bed bug infestations safely and quickly. Heat kills all stages of bed bugs, including: eggs, young and adults. A thermal remediation treatment (heat treatment) often involves a two-step process:
A thermal remediation treatment often involves a two-step process:
- A targeted heat treatment during which the entire treatment area is heated to 120° F or higher. The hot air is circulated using fans, and temperatures are monitored throughout the treatment area(s).
- An application of noninvasive residual insecticide into cracks and crevices. In most cases, this two-step process eliminates all bed bugs within the treated area(s), without additional treatments necessary.
Top Benefits of a Thermal Remediation Treatment
- Treatment is odor free.
- Time sensitive and convenient, allowing for only one day of treatment with immediate turn-around.
- Multiple units can be treated simultaneously, depending on location.
- Requires less preparation than conventional treatments.
To ensure that our bed bug control is as effective as possible, we request our clients make the proper preparations before a thermal remediation treatment.
Download Now: Thermal Remediation Client Preparation Checklist
Conventional Bed Bug Treatment
Bed bugs have shown to be resistant to many of the commonly used pesticides, which contributes to their survival and spread. McCloud uses insecticides with proven efficacy applying it to bed bug harborage sites.
Our comprehensive bed bug treatment includes:
- A thorough initial inspection performed by our trained service specialists. Since bed bugs can often be found in attached areas, we include the inspection of neighboring units in our protocols.
- Application of appropriate EPA labeled pesticides by our licensed service specialists to areas of bed bug infestation, including bed frames, wall crevices and baseboards.
- Mattress encasements to entomb bed bugs in mattresses and facilitate re-inspection.
- Follow up services and use of bed bug monitoring devices, as needed, to monitor for re-infestation.
- Special programs for sensitive areas such as hospitals and schools, including staff education programs and non-chemical alternatives.
To ensure that our bed bug control is as effective as possible, we request our clients make the proper preparations before treatment.
Download Now: Conventional Treatment Client Preparation Checklist
Fumigation Services for Bed Bugs
McCloud is a leading expert in fumigation services and can offer containerized fumigation of furnishings and other bed bug infested items. This type of service can be used to supplement conventional treatments or for individuals moving from previously infested buildings. Items can be loaded into a moving truck and fumigated at a secured location. The process can be completed in less than 48 hours.
Educational Services for Bed Bugs
Because one of the most critical steps in bed bug management is quick recognition of the problem, McCloud offers educational programs designed to educate employees and residents about the identification of bed bugs, steps to follow when bed bugs are found and any preparation required prior to treatment. We will also review ways to prevent the spreading of bed bugs throughout buildings and in homes. This training is particularly valuable in hospital and nursing home facilities where introductions require immediate isolation of the problem to help prevent the spread of the bed bugs.
Bed Bug Management Pest Control and Exterminators in the Midwest