As summer ends and winter approaches, food plant managers need to change their focus and strategy if they want to keep insects and rodents out of their plants.
Pest control is an important consideration for food manufacturing facilities at any time of the year. But as summer ends and winter approaches, food plant managers need to change their focus and strategy if they want to keep insects and rodents out of their plants. Depending on geographical location, winter can provide some relief from exterior pest pressures. However, certain parts of the U.S. will see year-round pest pressures from outdoor insects. There are definitely some seasonal pest differences in the temperate climates.
There are several types of fall invading pests to expect as summer comes to a close. Several of these pests invade structures in search of a place to overwinter. In agricultural areas, the harvesting of crops can spark changes in pest behavior, even before the mercury begins to drop. And there are other seasonal forces at work. Ants are one of the insects we see early in the spring in northern climates,” Hottel says. Filth flies, small flies and stinging insects like yellow jackets, hornets and paper wasps, peak in July and August.
Pests that can become more of a nuisance in the fall/harvest season include:
Rodents, including field mice
Boxelder bugs
Brown marmorated stink bugs
Foreign grain beetles
Multicolored Asian lady beetles
Cluster flies
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