Flying Insect Identification

“Flying Insects” Lets See Some Identification

As plant operators and sanitarians discuss their pest management plans with their Pest Management Professionals (PMP), the term “flying insects” typically is brought up.

In meeting FSMA and third party auditing standards, preventing and controlling flying insects in the food supply chain is of the utmost importance. For that reason, the discussion of flying insects is an important, but often daunting one. After all, insects are the only invertebrates that can fly and though we don’t know exactly how many species are capable of flight, there certainly are a lot of them! When implementing integrated pest management strategies to prevent and control flying insects, it’s therefore essential that we know exactly which of the dreaded flying insects we are attempting to combat. With so many flying insects, there’s rarely a “one size fits all” control measure. Proper identification or categorization provides both the Pest Management Professional (PMP) and the Operations Manager with essential information required for an action plan.

Download the complete article here to learn about the most commonly found “Flying Insects” in a food facility

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Flying Insects Identification


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