Don’t Get Stung By Summer’s Stingers

Don’t Get Stung By Summer’s Stingers

While summer is an especially ideal time for fun, relaxing activities in the yard, it is also the season during which stinging insects thrive. These insects can be very dangerous and should always be handled by a licensed pest control professional, especially when it comes to nest removal when hornets and wasps may attack.

Protect Your Family and Home from Stinging Insects with these Prevention Tips:

  • Seal cracks and crevices: Seal all visible cracks and crevices to keep these pests from moving indoors, and regularly inspect around the yard and along the perimeter of the house for nests.
  • Keep food covered – During a picnic or cookout, cover all food when outside and be sure to keep tight fitting lids on trash bins.
  • Avoid excessive use of fragrances – If spending long periods of time outdoors, avoid excessive use of perfume or cologne, as yellowjackets and other stinging insects are attracted to sweet-smelling fragrances. When possible, choose unscented shampoos, soaps, lotions and sunscreen is also ideal.
  • Adjust wardrobe – Avoid wearing dark colors and floral prints, since these patterns can attract stinging insects. Wear closed-toe shoes, especially in grassy areas where hornets and other pests often nest.
  • Remain calm, cool and collected – Do not swat a nearby pest or flail in panic—these movements may actually provoke an attack. Instead, remain calm and slowly walk away from the area. The insect should fly away without causing any harm.

Home Protection Plan

Home Protection Plan

McCloud Services Home Protection Plan is designed to protect your home and family all year long, with three scheduled visits during peak pest seasons. Learn More

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Don’t Get Stung By Summer’s Stingers Pest Control and Exterminators in the Midwest


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