Have You Pest-Proofed Your Building?
McCloud Services encourages public awareness of pests in April
April 8, 2013
McCloud Services, a leading pest management company headquartered in South Elgin, Ill, is proud to celebrate National Pest Management Month, which is formally recognized each year by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). The observance acknowledges the pest management industry’s commitment to the protection of public health and property from common household pests such as rodents, ants, termites, bed bugs and cockroaches. During National Pest Management Month, McCloud Services encourages public awareness of pests and reminds facilities to pest-proof their buildings this spring.
“As the weather continues to warm, pests will begin to emerge from their overwintering sites and look for food indoors. To prevent an infestation, facilities should take some time to pest-proof their buildings in the coming weeks,” said Patricia Hottel, technical director. “From sealing openings and removing debris around the foundation of the building to eliminating sources of moisture indoors, a few simple maintenance projects can keep pests from causing problems this spring.”
McCloud experts recommend the following exclusion tips for commercial facilities:
Repair openings around pipe/ wall junctures.
Replace worn door brushes and seals around personnel, rail and dock doors.
Keep tree branches and shrubbery well-trimmed and away from the building which may allow pest access to the building.
If adding any landscaping plants, chose plants which will not spread along the ground.
Avoid ground covers and vines. Select plants with a “v” shape and will expose the ground below the plants for inspection.
Avoid the use of mulch. Consider using gravel or rock for landscaping instead of mulch which can encourage a wide variety of pests which like the moisture and food provided in the wood chips.
Make sure that exterior equipment storage is neat and permits inspection. Store items on racks which allow for inspection and reduces pest habitat.
Eliminate sources of standing water around the building, including clogged gutters, pot holes, ruts and 55 gallon drums stored on the exterior.
Review the exterior lighting. Use sodium vapor lights versus mercury vapor lighting, especially for lights mounted on the structure.
Keep dumpster and dumpster compactor areas clean and lids on trash containers. All exterior trash receptacles should have self-closing lids.
Inform employees that they should not feed wildlife around the building. Encouraging wildlife around the structure can lead to wildlife entering the structure.
Interested in Pest Exclusion for your Facility?
Learn More about our Pest Exclusion services and Contact McCloud to schedule service today!