Cockroaches will arrive from a number of sources: vendors, packaging, employees, customers, etc. The key is to make it an inhospitable environment for them. Learn more about our preventative measures you can take to protect your restaurant.
Common Ways Pests Hitchhike Into a Retail Store
Pests can run, crawl, fly and hitch-hike their way in. Some paths are obvious like a door that is left open, and some not so obvious. Here are two common ways pests can hitchhike into your store.
German Cockroaches in Restaurants
German Cockroaches Can be a Challenge for Restaurants. Read the full article and learn more about our prevention methods to protect your business.
Quality Assurance Article: “Cockroach FAQs”
McCloud Services contributed their expertise in this QA article about detecting and eliminating cockroaches – before they become an issue in food plants.