Patricia Hottel contributes to Food Processing’s article titled “Pest Control Economics: Trapping the $10,000 Rat” in the February issue. To view the full article online, click here
Patricia Hottel Contributes to Food Processing: Technology Reshapes Pest Control
Patricia Hottel, technical director, contributed to Food Processing Magazine’s September article on how technology is reshaping the pest control industry. Technology Reshapes Pest Control Electronic hardware and better data management is liberating service technicians to devise more effective remediation strategies read more
Food Processing – February 2014 “Pest Remediation Protocols”
Controlling the Pest Problem At Food and Beverage Manufacturing Plants A food illness outbreak may not shut down a plant, but woe to the processor who fails to maintain a rigorous pest control program. By Kevin T. Higgins, Managing Editor read more
Seasonal Approaches to Pest Control Can Prevent A Cold-Weather Invasion
As summer ends and winter approaches, food plant managers need to change their focus and strategy if they want to keep insects and rodents out of their plants.