Mosquito Reduction Tips

MosquitoImportant Tips to Reduce Mosquitoes around Your Property and Inside Your Home

Mosquitoes are aquatic and will breed in standing water. The primary mosquito vector responsible for carrying West Nile Virus prefers to breed in artificial containers and small pools of standing water. It is important to eliminate as many breeding sites as possible in order to help reduce mosquitoes around your property.

Common mosquito breeding sites around homes include: 

  • Clogged rain gutters
  • Tarps on boats or RV’s
  • Tarps on pools
  • Children toys or wading pools
  • Flower pots or planters
  • Bird baths
  • Rain barrels
  • Old tires
  • Ornamental fountains or ponds
  • Abandoned swimming pools
  • Water toughs/ pet dishes
  • Tire depressions in soil or other puddles

Emptying accumulated water in these areas at least once a week is recommended. If the water is used for pets or other animals, simply empty and fill with new water. Although mosquitoes can fly into your property from neighboring areas (up to 20 miles away), the steps you take can greatly reduce the numbers affecting you and your family.

In addition to the reduction of breeding sites, it is important to take steps to prevent mosquitoes from coming inside. Common entry points are doors that are left open without screens or door or window screens which are torn or damaged. Mosquito proof your home by keeping these access points in good condition. Although you can’t keep mosquitoes from coming onto your property from surrounding areas, you can take steps to prevent entry.

Lastly, if you are going outside during times of mosquito activity, use a mosquito repellent on exposed skin such as DEET or picaridin. The Culex mosquito species which are responsible for vectoring West Nile virus and some forms of encephalitis, typically bite at dusk and after dark. Use of repellents is particularly important during this time of the day. In addition to repellents, outdoor fans can help reduce mosquito activity around decks and patios when these areas are occupied. Insecticide treatments of areas of high vegetation where adult mosquitoes rest can also be of benefit.